Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Cloth: Day 1 & 2

On Monday I wanted to start on my diaper covers 1st. Mostly because I thought they'd be the easier ones to do. But then I realized I didn't have a pattern to tell me exactly what size to make them. Really I couldn't find a pattern that was going to fit Evie.

I ended up deciding to start with my diaper to figure out what size to make the covers. To make my own pattern I traced a disposable to get a rough idea of size, but I already knew this disposable was too small, plus I needed to make them a tad bigger to allow for growth. I measured Evie's waist and from her belly button to back side. This gave me an idea of what size I was aiming for and how much to add for my stitching.While making my 1st diaper I was constantly trying everything on Evie to see what I needed to do.

So here are my steps:

  1. Cut your fabric buy placing your pattern on top. I had half of a diaper pattern so I would cut it with the fabric folded.
  2. I then would take a pre-fold and place it on the fabric I cut and determine where to place it and how I would add my flaps. I then would flip the front piece over and cut the excess pre-fold off so it would match my front. I would just see from that point how much flap I needed in reference to my pattern and just cut that part out with the pattern as a guide.
  3. Adding flaps: One this 1st one I hid my useless part of pre-fold with the flap. But I found this was harder. So now I am putting my flap fabric behind the pre-fold and sewing it together. This is also the point of where I'd added snaps for inserts.
  4. Now you tack your elastic on the pre-fold side. Make sure to put the elastic on the inside of the diaper. This took some time to figure out. Ended up measuring the length of the leg part of the diaper and cutting that in half. Making mine 8in but now I have found 7 1/2in works better. And for the back I just made it a little smaller. Mine is 5in. Then I would eye ball where I wanted my elastic for legs and back to start. Wherever I'd start the legs I would start the back little inward. (see picture, it's a rough drawing of what I do). Really it's just how I feel it should be and I don't care to measure and really determine a point. If you've seen enough diapers you just know where it goes. Also I would tack down one end of elastic at a time. Then go back and get the other side.
  5. Next sew that diaper up. I would pin the back side of the diaper together. Make sure to streatch the elastic to make everything even. I would start with the back, pick a leg pin it after I sewn the back, then do the other one. Then I'd sew up all my flaps and make sure I had no holes. Leave the front/top part of the diaper open.
  6. Next it's casing elastic time. Oh how this was fun and this is the most time consuming part because if you sew into your electric it won't work. I would start with the back 1st. Basely I leave the front open so I can reach inside and move the elastic. Sew a line going down, but not on, your elastic. Thus casing it. You also have to pull the fabric flat while doing this. Do the same thing with the legs. I would recommend doing the outside seam 1st then doing the one more in the crouch area.
  7. Next is easy, sew up the front and you are done!
The 1st day figuring out everything took the whole day. Tuesday I was able to get 2 and 1/2 done ( ready to case elastic). On day 2 one of the diapers I was making was giving me elastic drama and the back elastic wasn't working right. I don't know why and it still isn't all that right but it works. Just keep in mind that they all don't have to be perfect, just have to work.

1st diaper: I have pined thew fabric onto the pre-fold to sew

See looks so nice hiding the pre-fold, but causes problems later. Well it did for me.

Here is elastic

It is pinned so I can add snaps for opening and closing leg hole length. I can unsnap when she grows.


Here is where I see where and how I need to cut my pre-fold

Testing to see where flaps need to go


Snapped down


Cloth Diapering

Hi everyone. I know I haven't been on in awhile but that's a life of a self business owning, busy mom. I am so excited because I have something to blog about! Cloth diapers!

Now yes it may seem late in the game to start cloth diapering now that Evie is 2. But I disagree. I came across cloth diapering a month ago when Evie was outgrowing size 6 diapers. At that time she weighed 38lbs. I buy the off brand diapers but even that adds up. I was so sick of throwing money away and started looking for something else. At this time I started asking myself why we weren't already using cloth. Well when I look back 1) I had just had Evie and in that time there was already so much to do I don't think our lifestyle worked with cloth, 2) at this time I was working 5 days a week at Massage Envy. my days off where spent on catching up on other things. Plus Evie was at the sitter or Grandma's so much I would of had to still buy disposables anyways. But now in my life right cloth will work for us. I work only 4 days a week, I have 3 off with Evie and those are the days she is here. So I have a lot more time to do the cloth diaper thing.

Alright now that I had made the decision to go cloth I needed the diapers. Oh people if only it was so easy to magically say " I decide to go with cloth" and make your purchase and go on your merry way. Nope, not that easy. All the diapers I found were mostly one size or we needed a size 2 but even those already went to 35 lbs or 40 lbs. But I want to make an investment and I plan on her being in diapers at least a year. So these options didn't work. Plus there are so many brands I had no clue where to begin. I did find toddler diapers but they were more for training pants and Evie isn't there yet.

I came across a youtube video of a lady making her own inserts. That's when I light bulb went off and I was like wait I can sew my own diapers. So after a month of watching videos and saving money I have now reached the point of making diapers

Now I decided to do a hybrid diaper after much research. I also saw where people up-cycled pre-folded diapers out of receiving blankets. I was able to get a hold of these things at some thrift stores. Also Jo-Anns was having a 40% sale so I was able to get my PUL $8 a yard!

So I have been sewing all week. To see my steps and how I made the diapers watch for my next blog. These are the videos that helped me get started. Check them out if you want to know more and what to make your own diapers too. Just copy and paste.