Here it is mid November and I am getting closer to finally having some usable diapers done. What a long road! It took all of September to research and save money to get my supplies. October was a mess with Halloween on it's way and all the work I had to do to make money.
At this moment as snowflakes are coming down, I have my inserts mostly assembled but need to be zig zagged and finished, I have 4 finished diapers but need their Velcro, 3 diapers waiting for their elastic cased and then my last 5 diapers waiting to be put together.
All in all I had enough supplies for 12 diapers! This gives me a start and will give me a ballpark of how many she'll go through in a day. In the meantime of getting more pre-folds to make more diapers I will be using these with a mix of disposables.
How long does it take to make a diaper? Well after I have things pre-cut it takes 20 mins for me to put together 1 diaper to the needs to be cased stage. Casing them takes another 20 mins. All for 1 diaper, gosh. I found it easier to just make them in stages. Now try telling that to Evie while she is making messes for me to clean and wants me to play with her all day.
So that's my update for now. My goal is get these last 5 diapers to the casing stage, then case all the diapers (hopefully in the same week!). Then change my threads and finish up my inserts. All these guys still have to be washed at least 5 times to have max absorbency. Then getting to our velcro part. Then of course I have to get to the covers. I think I have done pretty great for being a single, working mom trying to get all this done!