Saturday, November 15, 2014

31 Days of Halloween

Oh how I love Halloween! Back in September I decided Evie and I would be witches and wanted to give my place a witch theme for decor. I got a lot of fun stuff at the Dollar Tree and also made my own stuff. My Halloween decorations all cost less then $25. Evie was a great helper and loved looking at stuff after we got it up.

I held off as long as I could on putting things up, we ended up decorating the last week of September. The front yard had our grand spiders. I ended up finding 2 dresser drawers and using them to make coffins for some skeletons and we made wooden ghosts. Making the potion jars was my favorite. Actually I had almost given up doing some of them because I was running out of time. But the week before Halloween we were out on the trails and I found great stuff for the jars.
And talk about scary, I made un-dead fairies. I glued feathers on the backs of skeletons and hung them up. Evie's favorite was the spooks I made from black Christmas ornaments.

My parents made it up for trick or treating and we all had a blast. Evie just loves getting her candy! After the 1st few houses she got the hang of the game and wanted to pick her candy and put it in her bucket. I am sure she is looking forward to next Halloween and we better start planning now!


Eye ball plants!

Dollar store spider and then I made her a web.

Mini spiders we made

A few of our harvested pumpkins.

So scary!


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