Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Mommy & Me Project: Bird Feeders

What a nice day today was! I wanted to take a break from adult life and share a neat backyard craft with Evie. I was already refilling bird feeders and Evie wanted to help. I asked her if she'd like to make some our-self's.
To make your own awesome bird feeders follow along below:

Step 1: Tell mommy you need birdseed, collect toilet paper rolls, get the peanut butter and something to hang your feeder with. We used shoe laces.

Step 2: Have mommy put peanut butter all over the toilet paper rolls.

Step 3: Get your rolls ready to dip!

Step 4: Roll and sprinkle the bird seed on the rolls, then thread your string thru so you can hang them.

Then we took them outside to hang. Evie was so excited and loved choosing where to place them. What a great way to spend the day and I am sure the birds will be happy too.

Monday, January 25, 2016

DIY Training Pants

Evie woke up Sunday and decided she was finally going to use the big girl potty! I am so proud of my little girl. So today we headed to Walmart for some training pants. They had some for like $8 and you only got 3. So I decided to make my own with leftover diaper supplies and some undies.

Here is how:
Step 1: Get some underwear. I got size 8.

Step 2: I took left over pre-folded diapers and cut them into 3rds.

I then judged how much I needed for the underwear .

Step 4: I took my fabric and pinned it into the underwear and stitched it.

And there you go. All done!

Training pants are just meant to catch a little bit of the oh no pee. The ones at the store didn't feel like they had much absorption.

Mine came out at $.75 a pair. Pretty great I think.