Friday, June 14, 2013

Evie's First Family Outing

So I have been insanely busy and am behind on my blog. I would like to report about Evie's first family outing but I should catch you up alittle first.

A week and a half ago, man has it been that long, Tarzan agreed to take Evie and me to Shelter Gardens. It's a very pretty garden here that tons of  people go to and tell me about it.. I was super excited to go and see what all the hype was about. We had a lot of fun and saw all the pretty flowers. Evie was very amazed at the water falls. She just would stare and stare.

Also somewhere in there I got my test results back and guess what people I am not crazy in any way. Bring it on people! I truely hope that karma will catch up to certain people that made me take this test and suffer all this pain

Now comes the family outing. So finally my grandma and aunt got to meet Evie, and they brought my mom and brother. Tarzan even let Evie go to dinner with us. I was super stressed out about everything but things went smoothly. I am so glad Evie got to go out with some of her real family and have a nice outing. They got her lots of new toys and new outfits and shoes. She is a tad spoiled, don't ya think. The last picture is her cotton candy face, lol.

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