Sunday, September 29, 2013

Evie's 1st MU Football Game

Welcome to the jungle! If you know nothing about Columbia, Mo you should know that they love their Tigers. It is complete madness here on game days. Do not even think about going anywhere near the stadium or college and do your grocery shopping before hand.

On Friday night I was offered MU tickets because the guy's friends had canceled. I am not a football or sports fan but I thought it was a great chance to take Evie to something special. So I said yeah why not, I'll go.

All Saturday morning it rained, at noon there was a break and it got pretty hot. Saturdays are also when I hit up estate sales for free stuff at 2:30 and 3:30. So after running to 2 sales I came back to Tarzan's new apartment. My friend and her son, which I invited, had got done early with things and were waiting in the parking lot for me. So we all loaded up in her car. Now I brought my hoodie to Tarzan's and had intended to pack that and Evie's warm things. But it was just so hot. So I left them (face palm!). On our way to the game we knew parking was not going to be good. We went in the parking garage that I used to use when I worked at the Rec on campus.

It was pouring when we parked, but hey at least we found a spot to park! I did have Tarzan's umbrella and my friend had some blankets and her umbrella. Now here came the fun part, we had to meet my friend, with the tickets, at this special tail gating tent that was serving  mountains of burgers. All I knew was that it was off Stadium road. So we headed towards the stadium, in the rain, lugging a 30 lb toddler.(Google mapping our walk later I found out it was .7 miles one way). We did find the tent though, hooray. Victory was short lived, however. Under the tent, people were all packed under  and mud was everywhere. So Evie could not be put down to run around. Hamburgers were there not, instead there were BLT's, just awesome. So we all ate it down since we had nothing else. Lucky Evie wasn't hungry but she ate some chips. I then found out umbrellas are not allowed in the stadium. At this point I about pulled my hair out and had a melt down. Mainly because what if someone stole this new umbrella. (They didn't and everything is fine) At least the rain had stopped.

We found seats with ease. We had south end zone seats and they were awesome. We met up with my friend and he had butt cushions for us, yet another thing I didn't think of. I just don't go to these things enough. But after all the stress, everything turned out just fine. Evie only wanted to be held and snuggled. She was so excited to see what was going on and looked on wide eyed as the band came out. When people clapped and cheered she clapped too and giggled because everyone was clapping. She almost made it to half time. But then go very sleepy.

It started to drizzle and she needed to go to bed. So off we went, Evie giggling at my friend's son all the way back. She was in such a good mood that night.. She slept very good and woke promptly at 7 am ready to play again. Evie says Go Tigers!

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