Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Life with Evie

I can't believe Evie has been back for a month now. It's been pretty busy around here, every day is a new adventure. Just yesterday she was shoveling cat food into her month, the same food I had just put out for our new stray. The cat is super friendly and just loves Evie. It doesn't much care for my cats though, so it has to stay outside.

Babies are super cute when they copy you. Evie doesn't know what she is doing but as long as mommy does it she does it too. We have a little black bunny and every morning we pick his grass. Evie loves picking grass and throwing it up in the air. Meanwhile I am trying to put grass in the bag and get chores done.

We have also been decorating for Halloween. So far I have the spiders out and their egg sacks, a few bats and other decor. But we still have ghosts and a grave yard to put out too. I can't wait to take her to the pumpkin patch for pumpkins. This year Evie is going to be a little princess since we found the perfect pink dress at the thrift store last week.

With the weather getting cooler we can finally go to the park without drowning in sweat. Today after her nap we went on our little outing. On the playground she made a few new baby friends. After swinging, we tried out the slide. I just stand at the side of the slide and let her slide then catch her. When I put her on my lap and slide, that just isn't as much fun anymore. But since she is still young I fiqure it's not too safe for her to go all by herself.

Evie is very fearless though. She likes to run up little slopes and then try to jump off of them. And she loves climbing the playground stairs and tries to go down the slide by herself.. We went home with some scrapes but Evie had a blast and so did I.

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