Friday, November 23, 2012

1st Thanksgiving


Evie has been very busy already this holiday season.We went to go see two very close friends of Tarzan's on Wednesday.They have a little two year old and have given us tons of handy downs.This was their first time seeing little Evie and were very excited!

 We watched lots of Doctor Who and just hung out. Evie was the center of attention, just how she likes it.

She also loved their little girl.I think she loves people more her size.

 After spending the night we went on to Thanksgiving dinner.Evie got to see everyone and even though she was a bit fussy had big grins for everyone.

She finally fell asleep in her grandma's arms. Just so sweet!

She stayed the night with her grandma (side note: upon being asked what she wanted to be called she replied foxy grandma).I hear they had a blast.When foxy grandma dropped Evie off she was so tired from all her holiday fun.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

New Fish

So the other day I went to go get weekend feeders for my fish because we are going out of town for Thanksgiving.Well of course Evie had to come along, she loves shopping :)

My goal was to get in and out. After I found my fish food, Evie did her "take me out of my stroller so I can see" fuss. We walked by all the fish tanks at the back of the store and her eyes got so wide. So I stood there for a bit showing her everything. She just loved looking at them. She really loved the mollie tank. I don't know why but she just did.

Well I decided to buy her two. My tank could use some more so I figured why not.She has a dalmatian one named Prince and the black female is named Midnight. She loves watching them swim around my tank here at home.Too cute!

Shower Fresh Baby

So you just had this little bundle of joy and all is fine and dandy until it is bathing time.What do you do when your baby cries when you put her in the tub and screams when you try to wash her hair? You get undressed and undress your silly new baby girl and take a shower with her!

Yep this is now how Evie gets groomed. Baths just aren't her thing I guess. I think maybe she gets a little scared. But as long as she's in mommy's arms she knows she is safe. Plus when I have her in the shower it makes it a lot easier to wash her hair. I have to bath her every 2 days because she has cradle cap. We even got that special lotion for it, she looks like a grease money every time we apply it, lol.

She loves showers! She will just grin and grin when the water hits her back.It is like a little massage to her.And when she is all done I wrap her up, dry her off and put her in
her crib so I can get shower time.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Evie's Fashon Show


These are all dresses I wore when I was a baby. I thought it would be fun to put Evie in them.

This is one of my favorite yellow dresses.

So pretty in green!

My mom made her an elephant.

This one I took of her in her cradle.

Crazy Halloween

So this week has been crazy busy. At work it seemed every time I would turn around there was a massage to give.Not like I am complaining but it didn't give me much time to sit and relax.Also Tarzan has started night classes. So basically I race to work, race home, cook dinner (if there is time), then take Evie until he gets back from class. So basically no me time but its ok because I know I can catch up on the weekends, which is what I am doing right now. Needless to say money has been tight these past few weeks and all my tips for work help.

So this was Evie's first halloween and I fiqured she was too young to trick or treat so we stayed in and watched a scary mvie, Wicked Little Things.It was about scary miner , kid zombies chaseing and killing people. Evie would watch the tv sometimes and be babbleing on about baby stuff. Super cute!
Next Halloween I am taking her trick or treating. I plan on her being Snow White.

But this year she was a cute pumpkin.