Wednesday, November 21, 2012

New Fish

So the other day I went to go get weekend feeders for my fish because we are going out of town for Thanksgiving.Well of course Evie had to come along, she loves shopping :)

My goal was to get in and out. After I found my fish food, Evie did her "take me out of my stroller so I can see" fuss. We walked by all the fish tanks at the back of the store and her eyes got so wide. So I stood there for a bit showing her everything. She just loved looking at them. She really loved the mollie tank. I don't know why but she just did.

Well I decided to buy her two. My tank could use some more so I figured why not.She has a dalmatian one named Prince and the black female is named Midnight. She loves watching them swim around my tank here at home.Too cute!

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