On October 7th Evie and I hit the road and made some great memories. First stop was Warrensburg, Mo. This was my home for 3 years while I went to UCM. I am still very fond of the town even through I never finished a degree there. Evie was very good and held my hand on campus. We visited my old chemistry lab boss first, this was her first time meeting Evie. Then we went to the bookstore and found Evie a Hello Kitty with a UCM shirt. It was so cute I had to buy it. At Union and I got a doughnut and feed Evie her snack. She was such a cute little college student. Our last visit on campus was Yeater Hall, my 1st dorm.And I must say my year there was very interesting, I believe it to be haunted.
After loading up, our next stop was Olathe, Kansas to see my aunt. My aunt is the owner of a quint bed and breakfast called Serendipity (5 Stars). Evie much enjoyed playing out in the yard. She really liked helping rearrange things on the patio, showing me the rocks by the air condition and smelling the flowers. While indoors Evie would seek out Sam, the kitty cat. After my mom and brother arrived we had yummy cheesy chicken casserole for dinner. For desert there was ice cream and chocolate cake, which Evie just thought was awesome.
The following morning we went to Dianna Rose Children's Farm. Evie quickly befriended the goats. They did not mind her whacking them on the head too much (Evie pets nice, just gets a little too excited at times). I think all the goats cared about was food. My Aunt paid for me, my brother and Evie to go on the hay ride, which included a pumpkin patch. Evie loved the slide that was in the pumpkin patch. We had to do that over and over again. Evie did half the corn maze and then simply turned around and walked out, back towards the slide. While other parents were taking cute baby pictures in the pumpkin patch, Evie was being a fuzzy mess, trying to walk on the pumpkins and run towards her beloved slide. We picked out 3 pumpkins and took the wagon back. After that we had some chocolate ice cream. Then Evie helped Grandma push the red wagon around while we checked out the rest of the animals. After making a quick stop at Good Will , which Evie got 3 new shirts, we packed up and heading to Drexel, Mo.
I was making a quick stop in Drexel to get pictures of my old 4-H horse and Evie together. Evie also got to see where I grew up,finally. Plus terrorize my moms barn cats. After taking several pictures I decided to put Evie on Mo's back and have my mom lead him. He was very proud to have a little rider. Evie really loved her pony ride, she giggled so much up on top that big horse. Grandma cooked us a nice chicken dinner. Before I knew it we had to set off on the road again. I got back in Columbia at 12:30 qm. What a trip! But we had a lot of fun and made great memories.