Thursday, February 7, 2013

Glitter and Raindrops

Yesterday Evie turned 6 months! She is already crawling, sitting up and pulling herself up on things. It is so cute when she looks at me with those proud little eyes of hers.It's like she is saying "Look at me Mommy".My plan was to go over and take some cute 6 month pictures but Evie was cranky. We did get to go for a walk, the weather was so nice out. Evie loves going for walks and getting out and about.

When she got from her walk she was pretty fussy. Tarzan and me tried everything, bouncing, rocking, singing and her bottle. Turns out she has started teething. And so starts the joy of teething, it is going to be awful for us and even worse for her. Poor little baby girl.I went up to hyvee to get some teething gel to try, I hope it helps.

Also yesterday Evie's new baby cousin was born.They are now exactly 6 months apart, what are the odds! Baby Greta came into the world at 11:54 pm and is 6 lbs 15 oz, 18.5".

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