Friday, February 22, 2013

Beginning of the End

So I haven't written for awhile due to drama, work, more drama and being depressed. But things with Evie are going great. She is getting much better at climbing things and is now a super fast crawler.
I have gotten to see her alot over these past two weeks and that makes me happy.

This is the beginning of the end. It has been 2 months and 18 days since the Children's Division turned my life side down. But I have kept my head high and kept moving forward. I will be done with therapy on March 5th and I have a much better job now. I will be working nights so I have my days free for Evie time.Tarzan is looking for jobs and getting money together for his own place. I think that'll happen pretty soon. 

I see now that I have been grieving my old life, when we all lived together. But I have to remember I was not happy with that life. I have my issues to fix and relationship issues to fix.So as much as I wish I could have that life back I know it was not healthy and we were all unhappy. Change is hard but necessary sometimes. And for the first time in months I have new found hope.

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