Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Zoom Zoom

Wow it's been a busy few weeks. Evie is now crawling, she started last week. She is such a fast little baby. And when she sees something she wants she goes after it. She really loves shinny things, but I think that's all babies.She is already trying to walk, just can't figure out what to do with her upper body. It looks like she is doing a downward dog, lol.

She also eye balls anything on the table and will grab for that too. Pretty soon she'll be getting into everything.But she is so cute that I don't think we can be all that mad. She has gone along way from tummy time, to supporting herself, to crawling into chair ( who put that chair in her way?)and now navigating around the chairs.She is a girl on a mission.

Also this weekend we went swimming with her grandma. The pool was really nice, with slides and everything. Evie just loved it! She splashed and kicked in the water, sometimes splashing herself. Aw what a sad little frown she had when this happened. The little pink swim suit was supper cute on her too. After swimming and eating she feel asleep and I had to go home. I hear she was very fussy that night. I think this is what happens when she has had too much excitement.She doesn't want to go to sleep and miss anything I guess.

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