Monday, May 13, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

( Evie laughing as I make noses)

Time to reflect on the past week. Tuesday Evie came over after my mental health test. That day had a weird air to it. I think it was mainly because I was so stressed out. Although I was up all Monday night cleaning, Tarzan claimed my place wasn't clean enough and wanted to leave. ( I had a foster dog at the time) So yeah there was some pet hair but it really wasn't all that bad. Come on people.

Wednesday the doggy got adopted by a lady I met out on the trails. I was so excited for Bella. She needs a good home. I worked with her for almost 3 weeks, training and socializing her. She is a very  good dog. I decided to do this for this special dog because I spend 2 hours, almost everyday, on the trails.

Thursday before going over to see Evie, I dropped off Bella with her new parents at the shelter. It was very bitter sweet.Then I went over to visit Evie. When I got there she was asleep so I starting working on my Mother's Day gift to send my mom/ Evie's Grandma. We got her a Chiefs hat, Massage Envy candle, a little pot/ vase that we painted and a sweet card with a butterfly necklace. When Evie woke up she helped wrap things.

Saturday Tarzan agreed to come over here and we went on the trail! It was a lot of fun. We just did the 1 mile gravel loop. Evie loved it. She was just so wide eyed looking at everything. I know when she can be back with me we are going out there all the time.

Sunday! Well I had to work and then Tarzan was taking his mom out to dinner. So 7pm rolls around and I can finally spend time with my baby. To top it all off this is my first Mother's Day and it should be special. but sometimes it is what it is. Evie was super fussy and tired because I guess somebody had her running around all day and then she went with them to dinner.

But I did get to take a few pictures of Evie. She went to sleep around 8:30pm. So there you have it I, Evie's mother, got to spend 1 1/2 hrs with her on our special day. At least it was something though. Also I am gonna try to keep up with posts. The plan is to post Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

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