Monday, July 25, 2016

Dingo Dog

I still remember the day that I saw the black & white puppy at her house. He just would yap and whine and was so needy. He'd be out on the porch and just cry when he should of been going potty. At that time someone else was going to be his owner, top pick of the litter I believe. But because of ringworm they didn't want him.

This was the time when I had just gotten Moe. And the reason for being there was to work off the debt. I also wanted a dog too. There was one time when getting a ride home, I was dropped off with a dog (China). My dad sent the dog back. 

It was Easter time and we went down there to look at the little yappy puppy. My parents were not really going to let me have a dog. After all I had Moe. I remember having to do a lot of begging, I am guessing that worked since the puppy came home.

Oh man he was so tiny! When he was little I had to carry him off the bed just to take him potty. Being a toy rat terrier, he was too small to get off the bed himself. We went and got dog books and doggy stuff. He would grab his toys, shake them and growl. He was such a crazy dog and I named him Dingo because he was so wild.

I worked with him everyday, training him to do lots of stuff. We even did 4H shows. My dad helped me make him a jump set. What an amazing little jumper he was. Another past time of his was "playing" soccer. He'd grab that ball and shake it so hard and growl. And we'd chase him around the yard.

The day came for me to go to college. Of course he couldn't come and that was very hard. My parents would bring him up to visit and I was always back often. The second year, I rented a place and he was able to come more often, with my parents. I remember keeping him up there that summer. I wasn't supposed to have him but I didn't care. He enjoyed his stays with me but I knew he missed the farm. I moved back on campus the third year and even snuck him in the place that I stayed, for a short visit. Those were the days!

It was during these years he became my parents' dog, well sort of. They took him everywhere. Got him fast food, took him for walkies and spoiled him.

I should back up and share one of my favorite memories about Dingo. Right after getting him, I had to go on a band trip. What were we going to do with this puppy? Bring him of course. My parents brought him along and my dad even snuck him into the Union, under his jacket. Dingo farted. Silly dog. Since then he was the dog that went everywhere.

After leaving The Burg I went to CoMo. I still couldn't have a dog. By the time I moved into a place that allowed a dog, I was going to have a baby. I begged to have Dingo up here but the reality was his home was the farm. Another problem was he was a grouchy dog, not a kid friendly dog. So he remained at the farm.

I am so glad Evie got to meet him. And really he was very sweet towards her, just had to be watched. He even got to meet the dog I rescued last year. And they were best buds. I was afraid of fighting but they got along on the visits. 

For Christmas 2015, my parents actually made it up to CoMo. It was super special and and we went to the Magic Tree. It was storming that night. But I still got out and took Dingo to the tree and snapped a picture. That picture is priceless.

Spring came and went. Life was so crazy that I never made it down to Drexel. And my parents kept saying they'd be up soon. In March, Dingo wasn't doing well. Showing more signs of old age and stuff. But I didn't know it'd be the end.

Looking back, I see Dingo's whole life unfold. All the things we did, our adventurers and the journey his life took. Dr. Seuss said,"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." He will forever be the best little dog that this girl with big dreams could ask for and loved for 13 years. 

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