Monday, July 25, 2016

Evie's 1st Kitty

Back in May, I was back in Drexel. We decided to try out this thrift store that my mom said had a lot of stuff. It was there that we ran into the lady who I got Moe & Dingo from. She happened to have a bottle kitten that needed a care taker. I said yes without thinking how I'd get the kitten back to CoMo and all that. Plus I've never bottle fed a kitten before but I figured no problem.

Set my alarm early, did my pop pilates and I was ready for our new kitten ( that I would foster & give away). Went down and saw this adorable little fluff ball. Evie immediately had to see her and hold her. On the short trip back to the farm I already named her, Belle.

So she road on my brother's lap back home. Back in those days he had to help me fed her when I was at work. I would set my alarm, feed and cuddle her while the sun came up.

Within a few weeks it became clear that baby kitty would be Evie's first cat. They are double trouble now. Add my dog to the mix and you got a circus. Evie is so sweet and caring towards Belle. They are often cuddled up or playing together. It is so great to see Belle grow up and see her with Evie. A special kitty for a special girl.

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