Saturday, January 19, 2013

Saturday Visit

Yay it's Saturday and I got to see little Evie. I even got to go over early to see her. She is working on her crawling. She lifts and moves one arm and then rocks back and forth. It's really cute. Soon she'll be crawling in no time.She also flips herself over and just stares at the ceiling.

We bounced and played on the floor and rocked and napped today. She is getting very vocal with her baby language. She babbles a lot on the floor and tells me all kinds of stories. She also enjoys chewing on all her toys.

I am very much looking to see her again on Monday since I am off that day too. See ya soon Evie :)

1 comment:

  1. I just read your posts, and I can see that you have a lot of pain in your heart. I struggled with depresion for many years, but by God's mercy and grace I survived, and was healed. If you need some words of encouragement you can e-mail me at
