Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Putting Cloth Diapers to the Test

I got 7 diapers to the completion stage last Monday. Since I was going to the farm for Thanksgiving I figured we test them out there.

On Thursday, Evie used 4 of them before being changing in to night time diapers around 8 pm. The longest she was in a diaper was 4 hours, part of that was while she had a nap.While she was in her 1st diaper I was always checking it to see how it held up. I am so impressed with how well they worked. After a few hours I would change her and her bottom would be so dry. A lot of times the pee hadn't even reached the outer part of the diaper or rubber pants.

So how'd they wash? They washed great and the detergent left them smelling fresh. I have bought some store detergent but also made my own. I want to compare them and see which I like best. It just felt so good not wasting money by throwing them away with each diaper change. Because it is time consuming to make them I am taking a small break on production right now. But my goal is to have 12, at least. So that's it for right now on my cloth diapering journey. Now it's time to sit back and let the diapers do the work.

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