Saturday, December 13, 2014

Thanksgiving in Drexel

This Thanksgiving, I got to see my parents on the actual holiday! I was so excited to take Evie down to the farm. Once there, we got to see the 2 kittens, Clea and Murphy, that we had taken in and fostered. (After our trip Clea got very ill and passed away) After settling in, Evie just was so happy to see all the other kitties, too many kitties to catch! Moe, who is now 31 years old, gave Evie some kiddie rides. I don't know who enjoyed it more him or Evie. Of course just like the horse rides at the store I had to coax Evie off when the ride was over. She really likes pony rides. Evie got to see the last 2 living chicken on the farm, they are really old and I don't know if my parents are gonna get any more chickens.

Being picky, Evie didn't want any turkey, that was ick! But she sure ate my mom's homemade pumpkin pie and turtle cake. It was a really fun trip and I am just so grateful we made it there and back. Of course on the trip home, Evie threw up all over just outside of Holden. Oh and she has learned the word poop. So when we were about to get on the highway outside of Warrensburg, I heard a little voice saying "butt poop ick". So of course we had to make another pit stop. Oh traveling with a  kid can be so fun. But over all a great trip!

RIP Clea

Walking Dingo

Cloth diapers out on the line, right where mine were, over 20 yrs ago


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