Friday, March 15, 2013

Evie at the Park

Today all three of us went to the park! It was 75 degrees here today and sunny. These are the days that I love and can not stand to be inside. So at 3pm I met Evie and Tarzan over at Stephens Park Lake. We used to live right by this park and I miss it a lot. It's got great trails going around the lake and is just a very pretty park. There were also a lot of people out with their babies too.

Evie got to ride in my stroller I found her back in January.She just loves feeling the wind and cruising along. We stopped for a bit and let her explore the grass but then she tried to eat it. After that she decided she didn't want to ride in her stroller anymore and wanted to be held. 

Over all a great Friday. And I get to see here tomorrow. Plus one of my friends is coming up tomorrow to visit too. Can't wait!

I think the sun is in her eyes


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