Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Evie Time

Today Evie got to come over to my place. It was like Christmas morning! I was up all last night getting everything cleaned up and read. Plus these last 3 weeks I have been Evie proofing my place. Easier said then done, by the way.

She took a bubble bath , dyed Easter eggs and terrorized the cats. Some day she will understand the word pet nice, lol. The kitties spent most the time staying away from this strange creature. She was a great little egg dyeing helper. Before I could stop her she knocked over the yellow dye container. And she loved the eggs because they were the perfect size for her little hands and were easy to bang on the table.

I was glad to have her back in her rightful home. It was hard when she left but I know she'll be back. Plus I get to see her Thursday and we will take Easter pictures.

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