Thursday, March 14, 2013

Evie Update

All is going well and survived court. We now have a fair parenting plan in place that gives Tarzan temporary custody of Evie until I get a mental health assessment. I get to see Evie Tuesday and Thursday noon-2 and Saturday 1-5. The noon to 2 visits are going to be at my place, yay, but supervised by this DFS lady (oh boy). It is a double edged sword but she has to take notes, perhaps she can see that I love my baby.

Yesterday Tarzan had enrolled Evie in a infant massage class. I have been wanting to do infant massage even before having a baby and hope to specialize in this and prenatal massage. Evie enjoyed it for the most part but then got fussy.But I did her legs and feet. Guess that was good enough because then she had to go go. She has tons to do.
She didn't want to stay on her back long.

Evie after her massage, she feels great!

And tomorrow I am off and it is going to be super nice out! I just got off the phone with Tarzan to see if we could all go to the park tomorrow. We will see how that goes.

Also a special thanks to all my family and friends and their help in getting baby things. Also the free section in craigslist is a big help.

So far everything is going good and getting better, I hope it stays that way.
New crib

My DIY changing table
I re-did this and it came out looking awesome

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