Sunday, April 7, 2013

Final Mile

Mommy & Evie

 Well peoples I'm still here fighting. Been trying to keep my head up and stay strong.(Snapes on a plane cheers me up)
To fill anyone in, that reads these, the supervised meetings with the social worker have been going pretty well. Except I have to pay for it. 50 bucks for Tuesday and 40 for Thursday. Yep that's right folks! Not like I'm behind on rent and struggling to buy food or gas. Ha! I'm not gonna lie this sucks. I just got my pay check, and yeah it was pretty good but I spent it on bills. Lucky I get to see her tomorrow but I don't know about Tuesday. I got tipped $20 bucks today and I need gas bad. Plus my nit wit roommates owe me a good sum. Ug don't get me started on them.

Lucky I won't starve cuz my dad called his church and a church here helped me out and they have a food pantry. It's either eat or see Evie. Yeah I know that's messed up but that's what life has come to. I know this is the final stretch and I know I have already won.But sometimes that final mile is the hardest.

Evie has been so happy to come back to her home. She is so cute! She plays a little but then she just wants to sit on my lap and read and have mommy time. I can't wait to take her outside to help with our garden.That's something I have been wanting to do for a long time.

She has been protesting baths lately. Don't know what's up with that. She just crys and clings to me. So I just been giving her a quick butt wash. Silly baby.

But you know look how far I've gotten. I have survived and have gotten back to my feet. Just gotta get this mental health test done and then it will be all over. I can't wait to put these bullies in their place. Parading my baby around like she is theirs.They just jealous that they can't have babies, I guess.They can try to copy me can can never replace me. But that's all for now. I can't wait to see Evie tomorrow.
I can always make her smile!

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