Monday, April 29, 2013

Tomorrow is Tuesday!

Tomorrow is my last supervised visit, with the social worker, with Evie and then next Tuesday I take my lovely test. But back to Thursday, we didn't take a walk because someone decided that they were so tired and wanted to sleep while I baby sat. So yeah that was a disappointment that day. But Evie and I had so much fun, we took a bath and painted our toe nails red! Super cute.

On Saturday it was raining so we couldn't go to the park but I hope that this Thursday we can go out on the trails. Evie loves the outdoors and it is sad that she is always cooped up. She really needs to see the world and get fresh air.

She is also cutting 2 more top teeth and chews on everything. By the way babies bite. Yikes! She doesn't mean to, just trying to relieve her gums. Lol, she's a zombie baby. 

I can't wait to see her tomorrow and we will definitely go outside and play in the yard. Thinking about my up coming days with Evie has always helped me get through work and just overall feel better. I am always thinking about her and what she is up to. Last time a had a little money I went to Goodwill and got her 2 new toys and some summer tops. I love Evie shopping.


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