Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Forever and Forever

 Dear Evie,

That's right.

I'm back, not afraid of anything anymore
Been to hell and back
Fighting for what's right, 
And that's you baby girl.

Nothing can keep me from my girl
You have stolen my heart
Forever and forever
No one can break our bond.

Come what may, give me your best shot
Haters tell me, that's all you got?

Shoulders back, head up
Chasing my dreams on wounded wings
Betrayed and alone
I'm done being their victim
 From these ashes I will rise.

Been feeling empty since you've gone
Has it only been 4 months?
Gotta go on, and rebuild

You make me feel so alive, so invincible
I finally have my purpose in life 
With you I can do the impossible
I swear I could fly.

So here we go, wish I could go back
Jumping all the hoops just so we can be together
I just wanna capture this moment
Forever and ever
My angel faced girl.

So before I go
Give me a hug goodnight
A kiss goodbye
Sleep tight.

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