Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I Think I Can

Things have busy around here lately but it looks like things are clearing up. After a month of fighting and back and forth, Tarzan and I have finally made up yet again. Ug this drama wears me out. We will see if this lasts, I really hope it does. Roommates move out Friday! Can I get an amen? Lol. Man I have hated them and I am a pretty nice person and don't hate many. On a side note, I am hoping to get rent out of them. They pay for their time spent here, not prepaid like most places I guess.

On the Evie side of things, I got to see her all day today! We all had an awesome day. This may sound lame but I am excited to get to wash her 3 bottles tonight and was happy to get to change diapers. She has been getting braver and exploring more. The cute act of the day was when she crawled into her room and discovered her rug. She would then spend time crawling to the door and then back to her rug, too funny. Sometimes when she came back to the rug she would plant her face on it.Also she is almost walking, almost. She will let go of the table and start but then surprises herself and falls on her butt. So I keep telling her I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. 

We also had some Cheerios fun today, she loves Cheerios. And Saturday was a fun outdoors day. Hope to see her Thursday!

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