Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Look at Evie's 1st Year

Yesterday, Evie turned 1! I am so proud of myself for making it this far. Tarzan agreed to taking Evie to B-day lunch at McD's. The previous night my mom, brother and me found this cute cake at Hy- Vee. So we brought it with us to McD's. We arrived at 1, after her nap. It seemed pretty busy so we had to wait. For some reason Tarzan got his food before us, another gold star for fast food service I guess. But that worked better so he could eat and then take Evie so I could eat. Evie ate 3 whole chicken nuggets and a lot of fries. She had fun on the play set and was socializing. Then it was cake time. She got her own mini slice. I can't believe she ate it all. Towards the end I think she got full but was forcing herself to finish that yummy cake.

Then we went to the mall and did some shopping. She is so over her stroller now a days. She ran all over Target and helped push random people's carts. She doesn't care if you are a stranger, she loves you too. Guess she is a future sales associate.

This year has had lots of challenges. As a new mom I had my own challenges to overcome. But then I also had my own legal troubles. Looking back I have over come all that has happened. I will not be known as a victim but as a survivor. This past 9 months has been totally b.s.Now it seems they want to wrap things up since Tarzan is starting school in 2 weeks.Whatever the next year brings I know I can face it.

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