Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I Wish Her Last Name was Divine

Well peoples I am not dead, just haven't wrote a blog in a month. Guess that's life with a baby, huh. Things have been so in the air lately I didn't even know what to blog. So far we have written a parenting plan and all that has worked out. Holidays are the worst to try to be fair about. About to pull out my hair up here. But so far we are on agreement on everything.

I want to try to have a positive outlook on everything. I have learned by being angry just gives that other person more power over you.

For starters I have been so angry that I would not have Evie 24/7. I was so afraid I was gonna miss out. But really now I have a legal plan that out lines who is responsible for Evie at what times during the week. I no longer have to be over worked and stressed . I don't have to babysit my own kid while he is out playing his stupid cards. I just don't have to worry anymore.

And then there's the last name thing. For months I have been tormenting myself about choosing to name her McFarlane. But I did that because we were going to be a family and we were getting married and blah blah blah. Plus who's wants to hassle with trying to change her name later. My work friend puts it best," You did what you thought was right in the moment and that is that". Using the facts at the time I made the best decision. And really who could of foreseen this mess.

By the time this is all said and done the bitches ( that's mild compared to what I usually say) have stolen 9 months of my only kid's life away from me. Karma will get you in the end and the universe does have a way of evening things out. Perhaps certain people are not fated to see Evie later in life and the universe has given them this time and will be talking it away later. Who knows but everything happens for a reason.

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