Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Evie's 1st B-day Party

The making of Evie's party was a toss up. I was down to my last dollars ( thanks child support) and I still needed to eat. But a sort of miracle happened after pay day. I sold a lot of stuff on Craigslist (stuff I find for free on the curb) and I swear people were tipping me cash right and left. So I threw the best party, EVER!

It was a Look Whoo's 1 theme, with owls. I baked vanilla and chocolate cupcakes and strawberry cake too! Even made awesome door prizes and party favors (filled jars of candy,yum).

We had such a blast! My mom, brother, 2 of my aunts and some friends made it to the party. We had yummy cake and opened great presents. She got a fairy door (from her Dadapa), a designer dress (her real grandma made her), a awesome book (from her best uncle), cute clothes and books and a shape sorter (from the aunts), and a giggle doll (from a friend).

Happy B-day Evie!

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