Saturday, October 20, 2012

Babies 101

I thought I would openly share some of the ugly truths about babies. This not meant to negative at all. But before you have a baby it helps to know what you are getting into.

power to calm her down. You should know the 1st 2 weeks were the worst because she would cry after we had feed and changed her. We didn't know how to calm her down. This was very depressing and hard on me.

2) RIP old life. Your life is not over, I have learned, but it is now totally different Yes this sounds like a no brainier. Duh its gonna be different I thought but no biggy, I handle change well. But from the moment I left that hospital, life was no longer as I knew it. It was a big shock to me and I had trouble adjusting.

3) No sleep really means NO sleep. Be prepared for no sleep in those first months, babies have to eat every 2 -3 hours. Evie was always hungry it seemed. Just as I was drifting off she would wake up again. Tarzan and I both decided to take shifts. That was a life saver! I remember saying to him that I couldn't do this with out his help and he agreed. I honestly don't know how single moms do it.We were so sleep deprived and stressed that first month I don't know how we survived.

4) House work doesn't matter. Now if you are a clean freak like me then those dishes in the sink may be bugging you. But don't do 1) Babies cry. I thought my baby won't cry or fuss because I thought that I had that magic mom them because chances are you haven't slept, eaten or even used the bathroom. Oh and forget about a shower. Evie loves to be held and we couldn't put her down at that stage. I remember having to take her to the bathroom just to pee. When the baby sleeps you should either be eating or sleeping, believe me.

5) This too shall pass. Things are so much better now that she is about 2 1/2 months old. We know all her cries now. I have now gotten that magic mom power to calm her down because I know what she likes. Tarzan and I have worked out our shifts and breaks and thus have rhythm. And yes it was all worth it. I have a happy, healthy baby that smiles at me when I get home. It's the best feeling in the world.

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