So there may be some of you wondering what we are doing about money and child care.
Tarzan and me talked about it and decided that he would say home with Evie while I worked and then we would switch off when I got back home and then he could take night classes.Our reasons for this was because he had helped me when I went to school and what little money I did make back then had to go to my stupid credit card and trying to pay off my car debts at the time.So I figured I would give him a break to focus on school.Plus now I am the "sugar momma working" at the spa (lol),I am a massage therapist.I love where I work because I love helping people. All the staff is super nice and I heard from my friend,who also is a massage therapist, that all the girls were asking about me and were wondering when I was coming back.
Last week,on Monday, was my first day back.I could not wait to go back! But I knew I'd miss my baby girl so I took a picture and taped it above the cd player in my car.Also I made a picture of her my wallpaper on my phone.Oh and did I mention my phone camera album only has pictures of her in it? Now I know why those parents have baby pictures on their desks. It makes you feel like you kid is right there with you.
After being off for two months, going back to work was so weird and a lot had changed.Some of the summer staff had not come back to work in the fall so I ended up meeting a lot of new receptionists.And of course everyone wanted to know about the baby. It was just so great to be back.My mom has always said that I am a people person.And I know now she has been spot on. I thrive in this supportive spa environment.I meet new people every day and get to hear their stories and perhaps learn something from them.Let me tell you it's so great not to have to work at Kohl's anymore.
All last week though I would count down the hours till it was time to go home. I could not wait to go home and hold little Evie and do things I had planned for us when I got off.
I think we have found a happy balance.Tarzan watches her and then gets his much needed break when I get home.And I don't mind taking her because I have missed her all day.This is the happiest I have been in a long time.
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