Sunday, October 14, 2012

Evie's Mall Trip

Today Evie,Grandma and me went to the mall. I figured it would be fun for all three of us to go out and see all the pretties. Evie loves to go places.She just stares at everything with that blank baby look and occasionally smiles.

Turns out that little red button folds the stroller.
I already had a stroller but I couldn't figure out how it folded up.We tried and tried but nothing made sense to me.So her grandma said she wanted to just go buy one anyways so she could take her dog and Evie for walks .

We went to Target and found this one stroller that folds in seconds.So Evie got a new stroller! But we had to put it together.I thought maybe some Target staff might help a couple of ladies with a baby put it together so we could shop and go on into the mall. Nope they don't do that. Rude! The just stood around and watched us.

So there I was on the floor putting together this stroller. It wasn't all that hard.But I had to put these metal pins in the metal axial rod to secure the wheels (they looked like little bobby pins)and the last one would not go in.So a Target guy comes up to ask if I need a tool.I say yes please , I am glad he tried to help.So after many tries I get the pin in.Thank goodness.

After all that hard work we were off.We of course had to see the new Halloween store in the mall. It was pretty cool in there. But little Evie got hungry so we found a place to feed her.But she couldn't stop looking at everything to eat very much. After that we went to a cute, little kids cloth store.Evie picked out some cute things to put on her wish list.After that we went to Bath and Body Works and a  store clerk smiled at her. But the happy moment didn't last long because some one had to get fussy. She was just so sleepy but was fighting it so she could she all the new stuff. After getting some drinks we headed back.The drive back put her to sleep. Overall it was a good trip.

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